Всем весеннего настроения!
Сегодня с Вами Светлана [Stevla] и поговорим, как я делала свои разделители для будущей моей кулинарной книги.
All of spring mood!
Today Svetlana [Stevla] we will also talk to you as I did the dividers for my future recipe-book.
All of spring mood!
Today Svetlana [Stevla] we will also talk to you as I did the dividers for my future recipe-book.
Сперва определяемся с размерами книги и нарезаем основу для разделителей, у меня это листы из акварельной бумаги. Основная скрап-бумага у меня от Фабрики Декора "BOTANY Summer".
First we decide on the sizes of the book and cut a basis for dividers, I made sheets from water color paper. The main scrap-paper is from Factory of the Decor "BOTANY Summer".
First we decide on the sizes of the book and cut a basis for dividers, I made sheets from water color paper. The main scrap-paper is from Factory of the Decor "BOTANY Summer".
Как видите я даже обзорный лист изрезала на кусочки. Зачем добру пропадать?!
As you can see I have even cut up a survey leaf on pieces.
As you can see I have even cut up a survey leaf on pieces.
Для работы у меня есть одна волшебная коробка, которая и в этот раз мне пригодилась. Она у меня с разными обрезками бумаги, я часто в нее заглядываю))
For the work I have a box which was useful for me. It's full of different scrap paper, I often have a look in it))
For the work I have a box which was useful for me. It's full of different scrap paper, I often have a look in it))
Вырубку раскрасила акварельными красками и разрезала на элементы, а вырезалки раскрасила акварельными карандашами. Люблю самодельные украшалки))
I painted cut-dies with water color paints and cut on elements, and other pictures painted with water color pencils. I love decorations which I have made myself))
Потом собрала все в маленькие букетики лесных цветов.. кружево, вырубку, вырезалки и много .. много разных вырезалок. И добавила самодельные фигурки из полимерной глины, которые я перед запеканием затонировала простыми тенями,
чтобы рисунок у них был более четкий.
И чего-то мне не хватало для полной картины, поэтому взяла трафарет с узором и пшикнула на него один раз, затем трафарет приложила на разделитель чтобы краска впиталась, и у меня получились красивые разводы.
Then I collected everything in small bouquets of forest flowers. lace, cut-dies, and cut out pictures and there are a lot of different pictures. I also added self-made figures from polymer clay which I before roasting of a zatoniroval simple shadows that they had a drawing more accurate.
And I lacked something for a full picture therefore has taken a cliche with a pattern and spray has applied paint on it, then has put a cliche on a divider that paint was absorbed, and at me beautiful stains have turned out.
Then I collected everything in small bouquets of forest flowers. lace, cut-dies, and cut out pictures and there are a lot of different pictures. I also added self-made figures from polymer clay which I before roasting of a zatoniroval simple shadows that they had a drawing more accurate.
And I lacked something for a full picture therefore has taken a cliche with a pattern and spray has applied paint on it, then has put a cliche on a divider that paint was absorbed, and at me beautiful stains have turned out.
И вот наши разделители почти готовы..
And here our dividers are almost ready..
Для конечного результата, я украсила разделители бисером и микро-бисером. И текстурной пастой и трафаретом с мелкими листиками я сделала зелень, яркую, сочную..
For the end result, I decorated dividers with beads and micro beads. I have made both textural paste and a cliche with small leaves greens, bright, juicy.
Обратную сторону разделителей я тоже украсила узорами из спреев и текстурной пастой, а то они какие-то скучные были.
I have decorated a reverse side of dividers with patterns from sprays and textural paste too, it is necessary to make them more cheerful.
I have decorated a reverse side of dividers with patterns from sprays and textural paste too, it is necessary to make them more cheerful.
Желаю нашим читателям море вдохновения и солнечного настроения))
Присоединяйтесь к нашему СП "Кулинарная книга"
I want to wish to our readers the sea of inspiration and solar mood))
Join our Joint Project "Recipe-book"
I want to wish to our readers the sea of inspiration and solar mood))
Join our Joint Project "Recipe-book"
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